The Secretary of State for the Province of Zambezia, Judith Mussacula, recently visited the Ryzagro Business Incubator, financed by the Zambezi Agency, in the city of Quelimane.
The government official’s mission was to find out about the functioning of the institutions supervised by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), namely, Customs, Tax Authority.
At the Business Incubator Incubator, the Secretary of State interacted with the incubated companies, who expressed satisfaction with the learning process.
The incubated companies highlighted the notable improvement in their business activities with the adhesion to this initiative, having highlighted the assistance in the formalization and legalization of their companies, training and business advice aimed at development, growth and sustainability based on the acquired knowledge.
The State representative in Zambézia Province was satisfied with the initiative, having appealed to the need to continue improving multi-sectoral assistance mechanisms, so that there is complementarity in the procedural formalization processes (legalization and registration of companies under training or existing).
Judite Mussacula recommended greater disclosure of financing opportunities (credit windows) and their mechanisms/criteria on how to facilitate access to incubated companies.
It should be remembered that the Quelimane Business Incubator was created with the purpose of providing diversified technical assistance to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), facilitating access to basic infrastructure, namely: space, equipment, communication and other means necessary for the sustainability of the initiatives.
So far, Ryzagro has incubated 24 MSMEs, 10 in the first edition and 14 in the second edition, with greater focus on companies operating in the rice value chain (managers of rice processing units) and in other agricultural areas.