Reno potato harvest field day

Agência do Zambeze > News > Reno potato harvest field day

The reno potato harvest field day took place yesterday (12 September) in the village of Nhabirrira, in the Gorongosa District of Sofala province.

The ceremony, led by the District Administrator, Pedro Mussungue, was attended by around 150 people, including District Government officials, partners (DELPAZ, PNG, Bayer, MANGWANA), as well as producers and economic agents.

There was also an exhibition of inputs (fertilisers and pesticides), the sale of reno potatoes, reno potato-based cuisine, a harvest demonstration, yield calculations and on-the-spot sales.

It should be noted that this activity is part of the reno potato massification project, supported by the Zambezi Agency, aimed at increasing the production and productivity levels of this crop.