Visit to Chimoio Women’s Prison

Agência do Zambeze > News > Visit to Chimoio Women’s Prison

The Director General of the Zambezi Agency visited the Chimoio Women’s Penitentiary in Manica Province yesterday to find out about the implementation of the Project for the Socio-Economic Reintegration of Young People in the Zambezi Valley Region (INTEGRA).

Roberto Albino checked out the project to build a water supply and lighting system using new and renewable energies; vegetable production fields in a controlled environment (shade).

On the occasion, he assured that he was ready to finalize the construction of an administrative building and the implementation of a processing unit (mill).

The Director of Estalecimento, Teresa Machaieie,

said that in the last campaign, 55 hectares were mechanically plowed for corn sowing. In poultry farming, a production capacity of 1500 chickens per cycle was created