Just over 200 producers in the District of Changara, in Tete Province, will be able to increase the levels of agricultural production and productivity with the allocation of six (6) irrigation systems, by the Zambezi Agency to the District Government.
According to the Delegate of the Zambezi Agency in Tete Province, Nuno Pinto Novo, the equipment will be consigned to six producers with the aim of promoting food production and technology transfer.
“Each producer has to include 35 small producers around”, explained Pinto Novo, adding that “we are talking about an average of 210 producers”.
The equipment consists of a motor pump with a sprinkler irrigation system to irrigate up to two hectares.
“These are systems with the capacity to irrigate two (2) hectares (ha), totaling a capacity of twelve (12) ha in an investment of about one million three hundred thousand meticais, by way of credit” – said the representative of the Zambezi Agency .
In turn, the Director of District Services for Economic Activities of Changara, Alcides Zacarias, hopes that, with the allocation of this equipment, both individual producers and associations can improve their production areas and contribute to increased production and productivity at the District level.
According to the SDAE of Changara, the district produced, in the first period, more than 64 thousand tons of various products.
And for the second season, the Government expects to produce around forty thousand (41,000) ha with the involvement of more than seven thousand families.
“We rely on the production of the second season, especially in the lowlands along the Mazoe, Luenha and Zambezi rivers, which cross the district, providing fertile land for the production of vegetables, especially: onions, cabbage, tomatoes, among others.”- explained.