Regional Business Forum Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi

Agência do Zambeze > News > Regional Business Forum Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi

Tete City is hosting, from 01 to 04 November, the Regional Business Forum for Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi.

The event, according to the President of the Business Council of Tete (CEP), Herminio Nhamtumbo, aims to strengthen contacts between businessmen from these countries, in the hope of starting commercial partnerships at all levels, in line with the Industrialization Program launched by the Mozambican executive.

“This Regional Forum aims to illustrate the existing opportunities and economic potentialities in our beautiful Province of Tete (in Mozambique) for investment” – explained the President of CEP TETE, inviting businessmen from Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi to present their potentialities and opportunities “so that it satisfies both parties, in a win-win approach”.

The Business Forum takes place in a format of potentials exhibition and investment conference bringing together representatives of public and private sectors from Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi