Financing between KfW and the Zambezi Valley Agency

Agência do Zambeze > News > Financing between KfW and the Zambezi Valley Agency

The Head of Cooperation at the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Mozambique, Christine de Barros Said, believes that the financing agreement between German cooperation through our Development Bank, KfW, and the Zambezi Valley Development Agency (Zambezi Agency) aims to create jobs and income opportunities for small farmers in rural areas by supporting the bankarization of leading value chain companies in the agricultural sector.

“I am delighted that German cooperation, together with our partners, the Zambezi Valley Development Agency and the Bank of Mozambique, will be able to provide a line of credit and guarantees for leading companies in the value chain and small farmers,” said Christine de Barros Said.

“I hope that this program will help companies and small farmers to grow their businesses, create jobs and feed the growing Mozambican population, thus making Mozambique increasingly prosperous,” appealed the Head of German Cooperation.

According to the diplomat, the program aims to complement the current German Financial Cooperation credit line programs, worth around 41 million euros, through KfW and Banco de Moçambique.